CofE Vision for the 2020s: Theology and “the why” behind the Vision : 11 Nov, ONLINE

November 11, 2021 | 1:00 pm

In this session we will be looking more closely at the theological work that has been developed to underpin the the Vision and Strategy work. A number of people involved in this work will help us explore the theological implications of the vision over the next decade.

What does it mean to be a church focussed and centered on Christ?
What is the theological foundation for the CofEs vision for the 2020s?

We will be joined by The Most Revd Stephen Cottrell, Revd Prebendary Dr Isabelle Hamley and others

This is part of a series of webinars that explore what it means to be a church that is centred on Jesus Christ and shaped by Jesus Christ – a church that is simpler, humbler, bolder.

Find out more about the emerging vision and strategic priorities for the Church for the next decade and take the opportunity to ask your questions.

This is a work in progress and we need to work together to realise this vision. As well as hearing from the panel, there will be time for your questions and to find out what the vision and each strategic priority means for you, your church, or diocese.

We want to engage with as many people as possible through these webinars. Please do forward this invitation to your church networks and colleagues.

Recordings of previous webinars are available at

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