Talking Climate Justice Tour : 12 Nov, Truro

November 12, 2022 | 10:30 am 1:00 pm
All Saints Church, Tresawls Rd, Truro TR1 3LD

Truro’s Talking Climate Justice Day – with Christian Aid.
As Christians we are called to challenge the injustice of the climate crisis. We know the next decade will be critical for us to act. Every social movement started with a conversation – these conversations stirred anger, fuelled hope and inspired people to act. As the church, we need to have those honest conversations that spur us into action. We want to walk with you, to join these conversations and act together in the pursuit of climate justice.

So, join Christian Aid for a morning of debate and action planning, Saturday 12th November, All Saints Church, Highertown, Tresawls Road, Truro, TR1 3LD.
10.30-1pm. Refreshments included. Free Entry. All Welcome


This event will include a panel led debate; small group discission time and coffee & Cake! Our panel will include the Bishop of St Germans, the Rt Revd Hugh Nelson; Joff Phipps, Social Justice Missioner from All Saints and Ruth Gripper, Lib Dem candidate for Truro and Falmouth.

To register please visit or contact Robin and Mard Sellwood on 01872272109 or

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