Lent Course: Living in Love and Faith : 21 Feb-28 Mar, Truro

February 21, 2023 | 7:00 pm March 28, 2023 | 9:00 pm

Our Lent course this year, Living in Love and Faith, sets out to inspire people to think more deeply about what it means to be human and to live in love and faith with one another. We will tackle the tough questions and the divisions among Christians about what it means to be Holy in a society in which understandings and practices of gender, sexuality and marriage continue to change.

The subject is raw, and the cathedral feels it would be productive to have a local conversation about this. We knowledge the sensitivity needed as matters of identity are very close to the core of a person’s being. Because of this, sessions will be limited to 32 participants on a first-come first served basis. If you would like to participate, please apply through learning@trurocathedral.org.uk or leave a message expressing interest at the Cathedral office reception.

The course will take place in the Old Cathedral School.

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