A prayer for Easter 2024


Written for CTE by Rev Dr Fadi Diab, Rector of St Andrew’s Church Ramallah and Chair of the Friends of the Holy Land Volunteer Committee in the Holy Land.

The Churches Together in England team wishes you a blessed Easter and invites you to join in this prayer specially written and read for us by Rev Dr Fadi Diab, Rector of St Andrew’s Anglican Church in Ramallah in the West Bank.

A prayer for Easter 2024

Gracious and loving God,

We celebrate the Paschal mystery of your Son, Jesus Christ, who through his death and resurrection liberated your people, reconciling humanity to the Father.  

As we witness the conflict in the land of the Holy One, we continue to believe in your gracious love to transform wars into peace, despair into hope, and death into life.  

May the healing power of the Risen Lord restore their hope, strengthen their faith, and empower their witness.

We thank you for the work of Friends of the Holy Land and all those who engage in bringing relief and healing.

We rejoice in the company of all the saints who continue to enact your victory and hope in their lives and mission. Amen.

by Rev Dr Fadi Diab
Rector of St Andrew's Church Ramallah
Chair of the Friends of the Holy Land Volunteer Committee in the Holy Land

To download the prayer image, right click over over the picture above and ‘save as’

About Rev Dr Fadi Diab

Fr Fadi was born and educated in the West Bank. He is a well-respected theologian in the Palestinian community and a prophetic voice for justice and peace. Fr Fadi provides leadership and pastoral support for St Andrew’s school, the Episcopal Vocation and Training Centre and a developing elderly home project. 

Fr Fadi is a Founder of the Youth Connection for Peace Programme, a member of the Palestine-Israeli Theologians Forum, a member of the Palestine Advisory Council of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship and co-author of Kairos Palestine document and a board member of Kairos-Palestine.

Fr Fadi also chairs the Volunteer Committee for Friends of the Holy Land based in Bethlehem. 

About Friends of the Holy Land

Friends of the Holy Land, is a non-political Christian charity, with a mission to support Christians in the West Bank, Gaza, Israel and Jordan. We help the Christian people and communities, especially children and the elderly, to improve their lives and help them develop the resilience needed to survive in difficult times.

Around seventy years ago Christians made up 29% of the population of the Holy Land. Today they account for less than 2%. Without support, the Holy places of the Bible, the birthplace of Christianity, could become cultural museums with no Christian presence at all.
Living as a Christian in today’s Holy Land is challenging. Travel restrictions, water shortages, limited access to medical or social care, and poverty means many Christians emigrate if they can. And increasingly there is fear. We have all seen the news of the rising tensions and attacks against Christians, in Jerusalem and other areas of the Holy Land. If we want Christians to remain in their birthplace, they need additional support.

Friends of the Holy Land is a Charity and Network in Association with Churches Together in England.

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