Pause for Prayer : April 2024

24 Apr 2024

A Prayer for Messy Church – 20 years old this month, written by Martyn Payne:

Holy Spirit of God,
whose energy and gifts equip us to share the good news of Jesus,
strengthen local Messy Church teams as they plan their services,
granting them ideas for activities,
inspiration for celebrations
and grace for the welcome and the meal,
so that adults and children might be drawn
into a community of faith, hope and love,
centred on Christ.

17 Apr 2024

A Prayer for Earth Day (22 Apr)

Thank you, God, for people of faith for whom love of creation and care for God’s world is a core piece of their identity and their faith in the Lord, and who are using their creative gifts to reduce reliance on plastics and encourage others to bravely go against the flow.

from Plastic Jesus: Real Faith in a Synthetic World, pg. 18.

10 Apr 2024

A prayer written by Martyn Payne:
Speak to us, Lord,
between rest and work,
between work and sleep,
between busyness and silence,
between silence and words,
between getting ready and going out,
between coming home and settling down,
that from these spaces in our lives
we might grow into fullness of life,
every moment of our days.

03 Apr 2024

An Easter prayer written by Martyn Payne:
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