Celebrating Archbishop Tutu’s 90th : 7 Oct, ONLINE

October 7, 2021 | 7:30 pm 8:30 pm

As Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Mpilo Tutu reaches his 90th birthday on 7 October, global celebrations, as well as a publication launch, will mark the occasion.

A special publication, Ecumenical Encounters with Desmond Tutu, a collection of 39 articles from authors whose life and ministry has been affected and inspired by Archbishop Tutu, will be released in commemoration of the archbishop’s birthday.

In the UK, the launch is being marked with an online event at which the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Rowan Williams will speak.

Williams said: “It is a privilege to be taking part in this celebration of Archbishop Desmond’s 90th birthday.  Like all those who’ve had the joy of working with him in any way, I know how much he has enriched my own sense of what the Christian gospel demands and what the overflowing generosity of God gives.”

The event is being sponsored by Church Action for Tax Justice, a programme of the Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility, which seeks to contribute to the Christian search for social and economic justice, which Tutu’s long and productive ministry has always encouraged.

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