Neighbour Sunday : 18 Oct, AT HOME

October 18, 2020
at home

Neighbourhood Prayer Network working with Faith in Later Life is delighted to again this year bring you Neighbour Sunday.

On Sunday 18th October 2020, we’ll see thousands of Christians and hundreds of Churches focus on the needs and opportunity to encourage Prayer, Acts of Kindness and Outreach to our Neighbours.  In 2019, our first Neighbour Sunday Christians in over 500 locations around the UK did just that.

A Free Downloadable Toolkit will be available from 19 September, which will include:-

  • The Full Logo and Graphic suite
  • Promotional Video
  • Endorsement list from Key National Christian Leaders
  • Sermon Outlines
  • Ideas list for what you could do that day for your Neighbours
  • Free downloadable resources to print at home

Jesus said, we must love our neighbours as ourselves. That’s a bold challenge, but one we must step up to. Perhaps, this Neighbour Sunday, you could start praying for those who live around you?

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