News & Prayer Live : 22 Nov, ONLINE

November 22, 2023 | 12:00 pm 8:00 pm

Join us for our News and Prayer Live event on 22 November. In the past year, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has seemingly faced crisis after crisis. At such a difficult time for the MENA, we will be praying with SAT-7 colleagues from the region and hearing first-hand how SAT-7 has been bringing God’s love and comfort to viewers. SIGN UP TODAY!
Rami Al-Halaseh, Executive Director of SAT-7 ARABIC will be joining us from Jordan to share about SAT-7 ARABIC’s response to the many crises of 2023, as well as an update on the situation for Christians in the Holy Land.    We will also hear from colleagues at SAT-7 PARS about how they have been supporting Iranians in the year since Mahsa Amini’s death and subsequent protests.
News and Prayer Live takes place on Zoom at 12 noon, repeated at 8pm. Each event will last for 45 minutes.
During the sessions, there will be space for quiet prayer as well as a short time of open prayer in small breakout groups. Do join us to encourage one another and intercede for the people of the MENA and SAT-7’s important work there.
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