One Earth, One Love: A 2-day event exploring love for the planet & others : 26-27 Apr, Oxford & ONLINE

April 26, 2023 | 2:00 pm April 27, 2023 | 10:00 pm
online & Oxford


One Earth, One Love

A two-Day Colloquium

Day 1: Wednesday 26 April 2023

An interfaith symposium, with contributions by Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars, to mark the publication of:

Loving the Planet. Interfaith Essays on Ecology, Love and Theology (edited by Paul S. Fiddes)*

At Regent’s Park College, Oxford & online (Zoom)

2.00 pm BST (British Summer Time) = 8.00 am CT (Central Time) = 9.00 am ET (Eastern Time) = 6.00 am PT (Pacific Time)

‘Are Jews Commanded to Love the Planet?’, by Melissa Raphael, Professor Emerita in Jewish Theology, University of Gloucestershire & Lecturer in Modern Jewish Thought, Leo Baeck College, London

Response by Jonathan Wittenberg, Rabbi at the New North London Synagogue and Senior Rabbi, Masorti Judaism

3.15 pm BST = 9.15 am CT = 10.15 am ET = 7.15 am PT

‘Interpreting the Qur’an through a Hermeneutics of Ecology and Love’, by Tareq Moqbel, HM Abdullah II bin Hussein Fellow for the Study of Love in Religion, Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford

Response by Farhana Mayer, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford

Refreshment break: 4.30 pm BST = 11.30 am EDT

5.00 pm BST = 11.00 am CT = 12.00 pm ET = 9.00 am PT

‘Learning to Love Again: Rediscovering the Earth as Sacred’, by Celia Deane-Drummond, Director of the Laudato Si Research Institute, Oxford, and Senior Research Fellow of Campion Hall, University of Oxford

5.45 pm BST = 12.45 pm Eastern Time = 9.45 am Pacific Time

Response by Cyrus Olsen, LoSchiavo Professor in Catholic Social Thought, University of San Francisco.

Refreshment break: 6.30 pm BST = 1.30 pm Eastern Time = 10.30 am Pacific Time.

7.30 pm BST = 1.30 pm CT = 2.30 pm ET = 11.30 am PT

‘Loving What God Loves: An Agrarian Approach to the Care of Earth’ (provisional title), by Norman Wirzba, Gilbert T. Rowe Distinguished Professor of Christian Theology and Senior Fellow at the Kenan Institute of Ethics, Duke University

Response by Bethany Sollereder, Lecturer in Science and Religion, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh

Sponsored by:

The Project for the Study of Love in Religion at the Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture;

The Laudato Si Research Institute, Oxford;

The Lane Center, University of San Francisco;

The Caritas Center, Brescia University, KT.

*Published by Firedint Publications Oxford. £12.25 or $15.00. Available from Amazon.

Day 2: Thursday 27 April 2023

An ecumenical symposium, with conversation between scholars from the Orthodox and Baptist churches, responding to to the ecological challenge and climate emergency.

Chairs: Prof. Brandon Gallaher, Associate Professor of Orthodox Christian Studies,

University of Exeter

Prof. Paul S. Fiddes, Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Oxford

2.00 pm BST = 3.00 pm CET (Central European Time) = 9.00 am ET = 6.00 am PT

‘“Holy compost”: sacrament, matter and love for all creation in the Orthodox tradition’.

By Elizabeth Theokritoff, Senior Research Associate and Associate Lecturer at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge.

Followed by discussion.

3.00 pm BST. Short break for refreshment

3.15 pm BST = 4.15 pm CET = 10.15 am ET = 7.15 am PT

‘“Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Climate change as a wake-up call: a Baptist perspective’. By John Weaver, formerly Principal, South Wales Baptist College, Cardiff, and one time Lecturer in Geology, University of Derby.

Followed by discussion of the two first papers.

4.30 pm BST. Break for refreshment.

5.00 pm BST = 6.00 pm CET = 12.00 pm ET = 9.00 am PT

‘“The fashion of the world is passing away.” Theology after the tipping point.’

By Fr. John Behr, Regius Professor of Humanity, University of Aberdeen and Metropolitan Kallistos Professor of Orthodox Theology at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam.

Response by Paul S. Fiddes, Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Oxford and Principal Emeritus, Regent’s Park College, Oxford (Baptist)

Response by Peter Petkoff, Senior Law Lecturer, Brunel University and Director of the Religion, Law and International Relations Programme, Regent’s Park College, Oxford. (Orthodox). On site.

6.30 pm BST. Break for dinner

7.30 pm BST = 8.30 pm CET = 2.30 pm ET = 11.30 am PT

Two papers followed by discussion:

1. ‘“His tabernacle was around Him”: prolegomenon to a symbolic ontology of creation.’ By Bruce V. Foltz, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Eckerd College, USA (Orthodox).

2. ‘Towards a priestly ecclesiology: A Baptist vision of ecological hope.’ By Jenny Howell, Director of the Program for Theology, Ecology, and Food Justice, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University (Baptist).

Conversations sponsored by:

The Doctrine and Christian Unity Commission of the Baptist World Alliance

The House of St Gregory and St Macrina (Orthodox Centre), Oxford

The Centre for Baptist Studies, Regent’s Park College, Oxford

Participation in both days free of charge: registration essential

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