FaithAction Celebrates Ten Years of the Faith Covenant

Ten years ago, the APPG for Faith and Society and Birmingham Council signed the first ever Faith Covenant. Since then, 32 Local Authorities have signed the Covenant.

What is the Faith Covenant?

The Faith Covenant is a joint commitment between faith communities and local authorities to a set of principles that guide engagement, aiming to remove some of the mistrust that exists and to promote open, practical working on all levels.

As Secretariat to the APPG, FaithAction have been at the forefront of this initiative, which sees local authorities committing to work in partnership with faith groups to deliver public services. 

Who Has Signed It?

Since 2014, the Covenant has been signed by:

2014: Birmingham.
2015: Leeds, Northamptonshire, Barnet, Solihull, Calderdale.
2017: Southampton, Blackpool, Essex, (Basildon, Braintree, Chelmsford, Colchester, Maldon).
2018: Rochford, Preston, Brighton and Hove.
2019: Brentwood, Uttlesford.
2020: Castle Point, Harlow.
2021: Epping Forest, Wolverhampton.
2023: Coventry, West Midlands Combined Authority, Sandwell, Walsall, Dundee, Welwyn and Hatfield.
2024: Hertfordshire, Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

Why Does it Matter?

While it’s easy to focus on the narrative of faith decline and secularisation in the UK, it’s crucial to acknowledge the growing tide of faith-based social activism. This movement is not only visible but also influential, spearheading an array of community initiatives. From youth work and employment assistance to food banks, health care initiatives, and debt counselling, the impact of faith groups is making itself felt in the UK in a growing range of projects. The Covenant seeks to recognise that, and to encourage local authorities to work in partnership with them.

What’s happening in Cornwall?

Cornwall Faith Forum (including Churches Together in Cornwall) is currently in discussion with Cornwall Council to develop a Faith Covenant for Cornwall – look out for more news in July 2024!

Post expires on August 19th, 2024

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