Gather25: The Global Church Gathering Together Like Never Before

Every continent. Every denomination. Together across 25 hours. 1 March 2025 01:00 GMT – 2 March 2025 02:00 GMT

Are you in? Yes, I’m in!

It’s the biggest gathering, and it’s the smallest gathering.

Big because it’s the whole wide world.

Small because you will be in your place with your people.

Why Gather25?

There are 5.5 billion people on the planet who do not know Jesus. If we want to reach the whole world with the Gospel, we need to mobilize the global Church. We need the 2.5 billion Jesus followers to pray, to repent, to worship, and to be commissioned: sending us out to reach everyone we know. This is what Gather25 is all about.

Why now? Technology has connected in ways that were never before possible. Now is our opportunity to bring together Christians from every nation, every denomination, and every generation.

What will happen at Gather25? Prayer. Worship. Repentance. Commissioning.

Imagine a global family. Imagine hearing the stories of God’s power across the earth. Imagine worshipping with a great multitude of Jesus followers: live from Europe, Africa, South America, North America, Australia, and Asia – gathered together for one global gathering with one goal: to go and make disciples of all people.

Who, What, Where, When

  • Every Christian, from every denomination, from every continent.
  • 25 hours of prayer, worship, repentance, and commissioning
  • Gather Groups will be hosted around the world, allowing communities to experience Gather25 in-person with others. In addition, each continent will have a Live Broadcast Site where the live speaking, worship, and video originates from. For those unable to attend a Gather Group or Live Broadcast Site in-person, Gather25 will be broadcast on TV, internet, and radio. Want to know more?
  • Saturday, 1 March 2025 01:00 GMT – Sunday, 2 March 2025 02:00 GMT

Post expires on March 1st, 2025

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