Get prepared for the UK General Election


April 9, 2024

Churches are getting ready for the next UK General Election which has to be held by 28 January 2025.

In the run-up to the General Election churches are traditionally at the forefront of running hustings events, where members of the public can listen to and ask questions of the candidates who are standing for election. Updated guidance for churches wanting to run a hustings has now been published and is available on the Churches’ General Election website.

Nearer the election, the website will contain an up-to-date listing of hustings by constituency, and churches will be able to register and publish their own events.

The resources section also includes the Black Church Political Mobilisation: A Manifesto for Action (second edition) from the National Church Leaders Forum (NCLF), written to “contribute to diversifying the political opinions of some, to formulate public policy development and to encourage the participation of members of the Black Christian community.”

The website’s news section has details of The Nation Needs You! campaign to encourage election candidates to back the Climate & Nature Bill; A Year of Encounter to help the Catholic voice be heard in the next General Election; how to become a Voter Registration Champion; and the Constituency Action Network being created by the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT).

Check out the website to catch up with the latest initiatives from the churches for the UK General Election.

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